Red Pill | Ep. 635 My Return to Livestreaming America First
I was hit was hit head on by a drunk driver traveling in the wrong direction, on Tuesday night. After over an hour, he was cut out of the vehicle and able to be taken to Grady Memorial Hospital by ambulance. Once there, he was in the trauma department to assess and stabilize his injuries. He has shattered the pelvis, both hips, and an ankle. He also has internal bleeding. He will be expected to have somewhere from 5-8 surgeries to repair the extensive damage. He is in pain, but he is a strong man. We are so unbelievably grateful he is here with us. We are praying for William to make it through his recovery, and he will with his faith and strength in our Lord.
Please consider donating for expenses caused by this horrific wreck.
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How about this! They can fight in wars with weapons but not old enough to purchase them for their selves. The problem is this doesn’t solve their suicidal thoughts. Maybe they don’t realize our military are trained to be able to kill with their bare hands! Am I not right about it?